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Abortion Laws And Ethics in Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Abortion Laws And Ethics in Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Abortion Laws And Ethics in Research - Assignment Example Thirdly, with the parent’s knowledge, abortion should only be carried out in the 1st trimester. However, if the pregnancy is in the second trimester, abortion should only be carried out for medical reasons in order to save the life of the mother after considering the health of the mother. This also applies in the third pregnancy where the life of the child should come first in case of imminent danger. However, the case was not argued in favor of the doctor who performed the abortion since abortion is a crime except when the mother of the child is in a medical danger. Based on the proceedings of this case, the doctor’s decisions on whether to carry on with the abortion or not was only valid during the first trimester. However, abortion in other trimesters was dependent on the mother’s health meaning that pregnancy could be terminated only to save the life of the mother (Mcbride, 2007).

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